April 8, 2023

Moonlit continues as independent company

Moonlit.ai launches its AI-driven legal research platform, unifying EU case law and legislation for seamless cross-border analysis, with Deloitte as a key launching partner and Curiosity VC backing its mission to transform European legal research.

Amsterdam, August 20th, 2024 - Moonlit.ai today announced the commercial launch of its revolutionary platform, designed tocentralize and analyze jurisprudence and legislation from EU member states.Backed by venture capital, Moonlit aims to enhance clarity and access tojustice within the scattered European legal landscape. 

Developed as an internal tool within Deloitte, Moonlitoffers a comprehensive AI-driven legal research platform that continuously monitorslegal activities across EU member states. Leveraging artificial intelligence,the platform enables users to research legal cases across multiple countriesand languages. Each document retrieved is provided with instant translations,summaries, and insights. Deloitte becomes a launching partner. 

"The investment and spinout from Deloitte representa logical step forward for Moonlit," said Roderick Lucas, Co-Founder& CEO. "We're grateful to build on years of investments made byDeloitte and expand our reach as an independent entity. Our technology makes cross-borderlegal research more efficient, and this spin out makes it accessible for alllegal professionals across Europe." 

Moonlit was founded by Roderick Lucas, an expert in AI anddata science with experience at Deloitte NL and academic roles at Vrije UniversiteitAmsterdam and Tilburg University, and Dirk-Jan van den Broek, a class action lawyerwith over two decades of experience in the legal sector, including founding andleading ClaimShare. 

“Despite nearly 70% of national laws being influenced byEU regulations and directives, most European lawyers predominantly focus on nationalcase law,” explained Dirk-Jan van den Broek, Co-Founder & CFO ofMoonlit. “In an increasingly interconnected Europe, where legal precedentsfrom one country can significantly influence decisions in another, this tool isindispensable.” 

Moonlit enables legal professionals to track theimplementation and interpretation of EU directives across all member states,identifying trends, divergences, and commonalities in legal decisions. Thisenhances the quality of legal advice and allows lawyers to craft stronger, moreinformed arguments supported by a broader spectrum of case law. 

The platform also features a specialized Gen-AI chatbot,delivering instant answers from an exclusive database of over 9 million trustedresources. All results are verified and referenced by source articles, ensuringreliable and authoritative information. This tool is set to become an essentialcompanion for legal professionals across Europe. 

The spinout is fueled by an investment from Curiosity VC, anAmsterdam-based investor in responsible AI software companies.

"We're excited to support Moonlit in their missionto transform legal research," said Maurice Beckand Verwee, Partner atCuriosity VC. "Their innovative approach, combining AI with legalexpertise, will significantly impact how legal professionals work globally and increasetransparency in the legal system." 

Moonlit.ai is on a mission to transform legal knowlegde.Legal professionals, policymakers, and academics are invited to explore this transformativeplatform and experience the benefits of a truly unified approach to Europeanlegal research. 

Visit Moonlit.ai to learn more about how this platform canrevolutionize your legal practice, or contact Moonlit directly to schedule ademo and see the AI-powered case comparison in action. 

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